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MASH Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware

MASH presents uniform guidelines for crash testing permanent and temporary highway safety features and recommends evaluation criteria to assess test results.

MASH updates and replaces NCHRP Report 350. This manual is recommended for highway design engineers, bridge engineers, safety engineers, researchers, hardware developers, crash test laboratories, and others concerned with safety features used in the highway environment. Products addressed in MASH include longitudinal barriers, transitions, end terminals, crash cushions, breakaway supports, truck mounted attenuators, and work zone traffic control devices. The crash performance is judged on structural adequacy, occupant risk, and vehicle trajectory.

Significant Changes between NCHRP 350 and MASH

Topic NCHRP 350 MASH
Small car test vehicle 820C vehicle (1,800 lbs.) 1100C vehicle (2,420 lbs.)
Small car impact angle 20° 25°
Light truck test vehicle 2000P (4,400 lbs.) 2270P (5,000 lbs.)
Gating terminals and crash cushion impact angle 15° 5° - 15°
Variable message signs and arrow board trailers No mention Added to TMA crash test matrix
Support structure and work zone traffic control device testing Only small car tested Small car and light truck tested
Windshield damage criteria Subjective/Qualitative Objective/Quantitative
Vehicle rebound in crash cushion tests None Required

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